Wednesday 26 August 2015

A Yes Day is like warm chicken soup

Warm chicken soup is good for the sole, so they say. Well a "Yes day" is to your mental health, what chicken soup is for your sole.

Last Sunday I took my eldest out for a day in London - (big thank you to her wonderful auntie [my super sister] who arranged it). It was a day when I got to say 'yes' to my big girl all day long, and we were both buzzing  by the end of it (possibly from all the cakes eaten at afternoon tea, but I think more from all the positivity that day).

There were no exploding nappies, no vomits, no buggy versus stairs, no "can we find a suitable toilet?", no negotiations, no sibling arguments, no trying to please everyone, but.....

There were lots of
"yes, let's do it",
holding hands,
proper listening (not the half ear job I manage normally whilst chasing around after her siblings),
proper meal time conversations (not interrupted by the usual shrieking, plate throwing, toilet trips, food/floor recovery, endless menu conversations re sugar/gluten/dairy free foods and so on),
and lots & lots of FUN!!!!!

It's not to say that we don't have fun when we go out as a family - it's just it's very manic, I don't really focus on the fun - more the logistics, and eldest bean gets the least amount of attention - because her younger siblings beat her on age and disability. Top trumps.

I can't really put into words how good that day made me feel, and what a boost that has been. My daughter hasn't stopped talking about it either and is already looking forward to our next venture out - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - again a massive thank you to my booking agent (best auntie/sister EVER!!!!).

Book yourself some 'us time' with your other child/ren - and if you have a super helpful friend or relative that's reading this - perhaps they'll arrange it for you - otherwise (if you're like me), these things just linger an epic 'to do' list.

Love each other x

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