Friday 14 August 2015

2 out of 3 = Success?

We've just returned from a successful holiday. A huge sigh of relief. There were moments of chaos, as any family would expect, but over all, on balance, I think we all had a good time. A big bonus here - no A&E trips and no lost children. I'm not even jesting - it's a genuine worry!

When thinking back about everything, '2 out of 3' seemed to sum most activities up. In other words, mostly we could only achieve 2 out of 3 children enjoying any given task. Is this normal? Is this a success? Is this in-line with a 'neuro-typical family'? I think so....  Does that make us normal? haha! When deciding if 2 out of 3 is a success, I should point out that all 3 of our children are head strong, stubborn and inflexible.....

Out on the bikes, Little I had a ball (wind, speed, bumps, danger......), while son just sat in the toddler seat so enjoyed relaxing. 2 happy kiddies. Whilst,  eldest moaned lots as her legs ached.... to be fair, she did tackle some reasonable hills for an untrained 8 year old...... but still, it did ruin the tranquility of the New Forest somewhat....... Obviously our Facebook pictures show a happier story!

On roller-coasters, courtesy of Peppa Pig World. Both girls ecstatic - again, bumps, speed, wind, danger and thrills for Little I. Son however cannot handle such pace. One very cross son!

The little history museum... Eldest and son engaged, took part in, did interactive tasks etc..... Little I, bored to tears!

Splash park - now you think this would be a winner all round. Well, girls were in heaven, but Son had issues - didn't want his trunks and UV top to get wet and got cross with anyone splashing......

Oh well, the search for our holy grail continues - a family activity we can all enjoy. I suppose I could say soft play would get 3 out of 3 happy kiddies, but there would be two exhausted grown-ups supervising the chaos..... but I guess we always are..... 2 weeks soft play all inclusive next time......?

On a more serious note, going on holiday with any disabled child, adds in a lot more planning, effort, work, and worry. Whether it's a physical disability or a behavioural disability. For us, we need a really safe environment, secure garden, no gas cookers!, lockable windows, wipe down furniture and floors. It's lovely to have a break from the norm, but it's not really a holiday. You can't switch off when you have a Little I, and you usually have company all evening and from early morning (if not all night!). We were very lucky that she was mostly calm in the holiday home. She spent the first few days shrieking lots, which made eating out interesting! but other than that (and a final night wobble), she coped well with the change. She's an outdoors kinda girl, so all that fresh air suited her lots.

I must take a proud Mummy moment here..... Little I's big sister and little brother were magnificent with her. They didn't flinch at all her shrieking in pubs or restaurants (I could learn from them), and they had an "Isla alert" game, every time she tried to wander off or climb something, where they would enthusiastically shout "Isla alert, Isla alert, Isla alert", as they dashed to 'rescue' her. Little bro also put on his 'nee-naw' siren.... Very funny and super heart warming for me and hubby.

The Summer hols can be a tough time for parents with kiddies like Little I, so be kind, be friendly, be thoughtful xx

Love each other x

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