Of course, this applies to the good stuff, as well as the bad.....
My kiddies won't want to hold my hand forever, but also (I hope) they won't argue with me over what's for dinner for evermore...... They won't always want me to cuddle them, but then they won't always need me during the night......
With Little I, I had a sharp reminder of my 'nothing lasts forever' mantra this week. She's been poorly, it's only a cold but she doesn't weather them well. What I realised however, was that it had been a 'long' time ('long' is a relative term) since her previous illness. There were many years when it was the norm for Little I to be battling a cold or chest infection, me on a bit of elastic to the doctors, countless antibiotics and frequent visits to A&E and stays on the ward. The latest illness has completely thrown us back into full-on nocturnal living. I was cast back very quickly to those days and relived my relief that those days are now mostly history. Of course new challenges come along and I don't suppose sleep will ever be great, but you embrace every new challenge, adapt and move forward.
To coin an annoying song.
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down
Albeit with love and support, some wine and if we're lucky, some social care respite (but don't get me started on that fast).
Hold on in there guys. This is extreme parenting. Get used to running on adrenaline at the tough times, and accept that these tough times can last some time........