That’s life with a 6 year old daughter who has Autism and Down Syndrome. Add in two siblings and it’s a rollercoaster of HighLowFastSlow - although my head runs at Fast setting regardless of what the little people may be doing….. I think so much, that I fear I over use my brain and it may age prematurely as a result! Poor hubby!
This is my first and maybe only post - who knows, let’s see. I have lots on my plate already.
I listed little I’s first disability as Autism - the hidden disability. This was intentional, as Autism is by far her biggest challenge. Her Down Syndrome is what you see when you look at her, with her beautiful almond eyes, but it is her autism that brings most of her quirky (challenging/disruptive/dangerous/exhausting) - let’s just call it quirky… behaviour…. Not to say that Down Syndrome doesn’t play its part.
So, a day in the life…. This morning’s task has involved my sifting through poo to identify non-food consumed items. So far I have found a deflated balloon (now re-inflated with poo) and some small rubber squishy things….. She’s at home, as there is only so much clean up a school can be expected to do!

My second morning task has been to painstakingly remove all possible things she may decide to chew or swallow - not an easy task with a 4 year old and 8 year old also residing here…..! In fact, it’s an impossible task, but you’ve got to try…..
It’s not all all poo though….. (perhaps that should be the name of the blog?). There were some wonderful cuddles and amazing eye contact this morning - something all the more precious given her autism - we really have come leaps and bounds on that front (Intensive Interaction all the way), what remains are her ‘isms’ or ‘stims’ (repetitive actions to calm herself) and her rather large sensory challenges - for little I, it’s mostly about sensory seeking, so if you can bounce on it, climb it, stroke it, eat it etc, she’s there! Eye’s peeled and reflexes faster than lightening……….. Let your guard down at your peril!
So what’s my purpose? I’m not sure (on many levels, ha! - but let’s focus on the blog)….. Perhaps to enlighten people on the issues faced when these two disabilities collide. Perhaps some weird therapy for me or perhaps to let other people in my situation know they are not alone. It’s good to laugh at the craziness but it’s also OK to cry sometimes too.
Our children are precious, no matter what they ‘come with’, and by children I mean those fully grown too.
Love each other.
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