I always knew chocolate was magical & good, but I didn't realise HOW magical & good!
The magical powers of chocolate, hey?!
What's more amazing? That my daughter has mastered (& so far retained) a new sign, or the fact that dairy and refined sugar free chocolate is actually tasty?!
I can't take all the credit for the chocolate - I'd like to, but I would be lying if I didn't say it was inspired by Ella Woodward of @DeliciouslyElla. Her recipes are a lifesaver.
So, now I have a new motivational tool, how to use.....?
So diet? I know the medical profession will not support dietary changes to help Autism, and I'm not about to start quoting studies on biomedical stuff (although there are many)...... What I will say, is that 6 months ago, we took Little I off of gluten, dairy & refined sugar (& all artificial crap), & our little girl has flown. Eye contact through the roof, instigates social contact with friends & siblings, lots & lots more vocalisations, an interest in TV (& laughing at funny bits), some co-operation in adult led activities (previously none), less hyper (but still busy!) and VERY, VERY HAPPY. This is our experience, and such has the improvement been, that I felt I needed to share. If another parent (well several actually) hadn't shared their knowledge with me, we wouldn't have known about the diet option & Isla would have missed out on all of this progress.
As the saying goes, "The proof is in the pudding"